Who needs an Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form?
The form is useful if you have already become a victim of fraud with personal data and want to bring the fact of what happened to the attention of a company. You need to make sure that this form is suitable for fraud application in the case of any particular bank or company because there is a possibility that your company or bank use different application forms.
What is the Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form?
U.S. Federal Trade Commission developed an identity theft affidavit that is accepted by most businesses and creditors. An identity theft affidavit is a notarial certified document certifying that the person has become a victim of fraud with personal data. The identity theft affidavit provides the appropriate information for businesses and creditors, which is necessary in order to prevent or minimize damage from malicious actions.
Is the Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form accompanied by other forms?
You should know that Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form is used only if criminals opened new accounts in your name. If identity theft s affected existing account, you should contact your bank or company, to establish a list of documents required for such an event. In the case of Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form, no additional forms are required.
When is the Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form due?
The form should be completed and submitted to the relevant company as soon as you have found out that you became a victim of fraud. Some businesses and creditors may require the submission of an affidavit not later than in two weeks from the date of establishment of the fact of fraud.
How do I fill out the Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form?
Before completing or sending identity theft affidavit call the business or creditor and ascertain if the affidavit will be accepted. Estimated time of filling out the form is about 10 minutes. You will have to provide basic information about yourself, the person that you think have committed the fraud, affected accounts and information that changes as a result of fraud. Also, you must provide 1) documents proving your identity and 2) notary certification of this affidavit.
Where do I send the Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form?
Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit form must be submitted to the business or creditor serving your credit account.